Wedding Party Concierge


The getting ready suites or rooms are usually full of energy - wedding party, moms, dads and sometimes even guests popping in and out to say hello. Champagne and brunch are usually in full swing. The only thing you are missing is a Wedding Party Concierge to help you throughout the getting ready process.

Sometimes referred to as a wedding personal assistant, a wedding fairy, a wedding party liaison, or as plain and simple - a wedding day helper. Our Wedding Party Concierge assists many other wedding planning companies and their wedding assistants helping make the day run smoother for the couple’s getting ready process.

A small list of things a Wedding Party Concierge may do.

  • Helps set out & pack away wedding brunch.

  • Keeps the room tidy throughout the getting ready process to ensure the rooms remain clean for photos.

  • Hangs the wedding dress or suit on appropriate photo-ready hangers.

  • Keeps hair and makeup + photographer on timeline.

  • Gets the couple, parents, & wedding party dressed and ready on time.

  • Helps pack up personal belongings to make sure items are ready for the honeymoon suite.

  • Walks around holding the dress/suit coats for the couple during photos with water and a sweat towel to make sure everyone looks great.

  • Helps with wedding emergencies.

  • Assists the Wedding Planner Assistant, communicating timing throughout the day.

  • Helps the wedding party into transportation with their personal belongings.

  • Makes sure Moms are happy as can be and stress free.


"Where troubles melt like lemon drops"